Course Product Link Product Description Use/Intended Use Program Objectives
CET 726

Technology in the Curriculum

Is it Possible? A paper exploring the idea of a paperless environment at school Encourage more teachers to take the route of technology Understand the capabilities of the computer, its impact on education, business, industry and government, and will be able to adapts to, understand evaluate, and make use of new and emerging innovations in computer and information technology. 
LT 741

Introduction to Distance Education

Expository Writing Unit This project is a start of a blended (face to face and distance education) unit for a language arts research unit Further develop so that it will be an effective delivery mode of language arts curriculum Be aware of current trends and issues in computer education, distance education, electronic communications, computer hardware and software
LT 712

Principles of Learning of Instructional Design

New Models for Learning A paper discussing the role of technology in teaching 21st Century Skills Reference Material Use systematic problem-solving and research-based human/computer interaction practices in the development of computer-assisted instructional programs

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